Date: Tues., June 13th, 2023
12:00 PM: Legislative Overview
12:20 PM: Protect Swimmers
Webcast: Zoom (Link forthcoming)
Topic: Legislative Overview & Protect Swimmers 10M DuPage County Health Dept
Overview of child and adolescent drowning incidence and risk factors (national, state, and regional data and trends)
Overview of suction drain entrapment incidence and risk factors (national data)
Description of preventive strategies to prevent child, adolescent, and caregiver drowning
Summary of swimming pool and spa building codes for public and private swimming pools and spas
ISPSC (2021)
Drain Cover Standard (APSP-16) 2017
Suction Entrapment Prevention Standard (APSP-7) 2020
Discussion of cases
Presented By: NWBOCA Legislative Liaison: Margaret Vaughn & Community Initiatives Coordinator: Laura Carlin Cochran, MPH
Cost: TBD
Registration: Required, please email NWBOCA at to register.
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